For the most efficient response please Whats App or Text.
Fleury's is a one person business so availability to answer the phone is limited.
- Voicemail is reserved for those who do not use Whats App or Text -
32 South Way, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EY, United Kingdom
Note: By appointment only, it is not a drop in shop.
Fleurys is signed on the front door of the house.
Fleury is the heart of the small business offering
'General Alterations and Repairs' services.
The sole seamstress with all the hats of fittings, sewing and administration.
Sewing has always been in her life, having studied Surface Pattern Design and Textiles at university. Skills were further honed during three years as an industrial seamstress. The rise of Fleurys followed after doing the occasional alteration for friends.
Fortunately the demand of 'General Alterations and Repairs' keeps her busy so she works with seamstresses in the area who prefer bridal wear, curtains manufacture and soft furnishings when the Fleury's order book is full.
Fact - Fleury's real name is Fleur, the business and nick name came about some tipsy friends excitedly presented a bottle of french red called Fleury / Fleurie.
Fleur's family, unofficial staff of Fleurys.
Mike, Fleur's husband who works in the manufacturing industry during the week, is sometimes on hand at weekends helping with collections and drop offs.
Eddie and Abbie, the children are sometimes in the background when their dad is not home, Eddie who is very into his crafts loves Fleury's so may be set to be the apprentice.
Abbie on the other hand would rather be digging in the sand pit or dancing to my tunes!!
All Rights Reserved | Fleury's